Terms & Conditions

Your course and instructor

Swift Drive acts as an agent for our driving instructors whom are all self-employed franchisees. All Swift Drive courses are sold under the provision that you understand that you are forming a contract between your driving instructor and yourself regarding your driving lessons.

It is Swift Drive’s role to provide our driving instructors with pupils, take payments and transfer the amount to the instructor after the first lesson has been conducted.

Our instructors will provide the following:

  • A dual controlled car in a clean and roadworthy condition
  • Be smart in appearance and represent themselves in a professional manner
  • Will not be discriminative against race, colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation etc.

Swift Drive operates a strict “No Smoking” policy.


Where applicable, deposit payments include the test (practical and/or theory), administration and booking fees and are inclusive of VAT.

If you have chosen to pay your Swift Drive instructor on the day by cash then please be aware we cannot be held responsible for cash transactions between yourself and your dedicated instructor. We recommend that you pay the full amount to the Swift Drive office before commencing your intensive course.

In the unlikely event that you are unhappy or require assistance in resolving an issue, you can contact the office. We will do our best to help resolve the situation.

Courses including the theory test

Please be aware you may forfeit your provisionally booked driving test if you are unable to pass the theory test in time. Unfortunately you can’t take the practical driving test unless you have passed the theory.

In the event you don’t pass your theory test in time you will still be required to complete your remaining lessons in your course package with your dedicated Swift Drive instructor.

You will lose your driving test fee and we will require a test fee payment again plus a minimum of 6 hours of driving tuition to refresh your skills before going for your practical test.

If you have failed the theory test once and forfeited your last driving test fee then we recommend you wait until you pass your theory test first before purchasing the 6 hour refresher course plus test.

Test dates

We cannot guarantee test dates as they change daily. In the event we can’t find you a suitable test within 14 days of your payment then we will refund the full amount paid back to you.


Any driving lesson hours you choose to cancel with your instructor will unfortunately be lost and the instructor will be paid for the duration cancelled as they have booked the time in their diary to fulfil your booking requirements.

In the event your Swift Drive instructor cancels a lesson, they will endeavour to add the time on to another day or book your lesson in for another time/day.

It is your responsibility to present your valid UK provisional driving license prior to the start of your first lesson. Failure to do so entitles the instructor to cancel any lessons you have booked.

Swift Drive cannot be responsible for lesson or test cancellations due to mechanical breakdown or other emergencies such as illness or bereavement. We will endeavour to find a replacement vehicle and/or instructor as soon as possible but this is not guaranteed.

Driving Tests

Your allocated Swift Drive driving instructor has the right to withdraw the use of their car for your driving test, should they feel you are not ready. Your instructor will give you a minimum of 3 days notice, providing that you have not come to the instructor in short notice (less than 5 working days).

In the event your Swift Drive instructor doesn’t feel you are going to be ready in time for the driving test and they give you 3 days notice you will have the option to carry on your driving lessons and complete the course without the test or rebook another course and take the recommended amount of lessons (suggested by your instructor) and then go for the driving test next time round on your instructors advice.

On some occasions, driving instructors may become ill at short notice. In the unlikely event that this happens, we will endeavour to find you a replacement instructor, but cannot guarantee anything at such short notice.

In the unlikely event that your instructor’s car is not roadworthy for your driving test, both Swift Drive and your instructor will attempt to find a replacement vehicle. We will try but cannot guarantee that the vehicle will be identical.

In the event your driving test is cancelled by the DVSA for any unlikely reason, we are not liable and therefore no refund will be made.

Free Re-test

Swift Drive offers a free re-test service to all pupils who have chosen 32 hours of lessons or more.

All pupils who have failed their driving test should have a minimum of 6 hours or lessons before taking their free re-test.

To obtain the free re-test you will need to purchase the 6 hour re-test course option.

We only offer the free re-test option once.

Refunds & Complaints

If you have a change of mind and no longer wish to receive your intensive course from us, you have 28 days from the date of payment to request a full refund. You should send an email to [email protected] as soon as possible. As long as we receive the email with at least 28 days notice then a full refund will be issued, even if we respond slightly later.

A full refund will only be issued if no hours have been taken and the email is received within 28 days from the date of payment.

Notice required for full/part/no refund on intensive driving course:

28 days before driving test date/theory test date: full refund

21 days before driving test date/theory test date: 50% refund

20 days notice of less before driving test date/theory test date: no refund

Your dedicated Swift Drive instructor has booked your lessons out in their diary and has committed to you. An intensive course requires a lot of planning and organising compared to someone taking weekly driving lessons.

If you have commenced an intensive course and you choose to cancel, then you will forfeit any remaining hours you have paid for.

Any complaints about the instructor’s training vehicle, ethnic origin, sex or training resources is a form of preference and should be clearly stated when booking the intensive course, not after your first lesson.

If you have any problems or wish to raise a complaint, please consult your allocated instructor first. If you are still unhappy, put this in writing and email us: [email protected]

If your complaint is regarding your test preparation please tell us in advance, not after your test, so we can help you. This gives you and us the best possible chance of passing first time.

Please understand that every instructor has their own way of teaching. If you have decided to seek a second opinion from another driving school and they disagree with our instructor’s teaching methods, it doesn’t always mean your new school is right. If you have any issues regarding your lessons, please speak to your instructor or alternatively contact us at [email protected]

Use of Personal Information

Swift Drive uphold and adhere to the Data Protection Act (1998).

All personal information that we receive is kept confidential and secure, used only to deliver the intended services. Occasionally, your information may need to be shared with third parties in order for us to provide you with the services you require.

Limitation of Liability

Swift Drive and our driving instructors are not liable to you (the pupil) for any loss or damage caused relating to any business interests such as lost profits, lost earnings, loss of opportunity/business or business interruption, including in no event liable for negligence or breach of statutory duty.

All of the content provided on this website such as information, logos and images relating to Swift Drive as a company and the products and services provided, are displayed without any representation of a warranty being made, whether it be implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, compatibility, non-infringement, accuracy and security.

For what has been permitted by law exclusion of all terms and warranties are applied whether directly or indirectly.

Swift Drive does not represent the information provided being error free and is not liable for any viruses or malware that the server may transmit between devices/users.

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